Eric Psink did pass his license with adventure sports grimaud sea school in 2016.
A great student that became a great friend !
Hope you will make it as an instructor one day !!
Seaschool Grimaud RYA - St Tropez south France
Adventure Sports - St Tropez Sea School is an RYA (Royal Yachting Association) recognised training centre, offering several courses at the Côte d’Azur in the Bay of St Tropez.
Eric Psink did pass his license with adventure sports grimaud sea school in 2016.
A great student that became a great friend !
Hope you will make it as an instructor one day !!
Résidence Aux Merveilleux
747, Route de la Garde Freinet
83 310 Grimaud
Performance Service bvba
Camerlo 28
3600 Genk