RYA (I.C.C.) CEVNI Online Test






Code Europeen des Voies de Navigation Interieure (CEVNI) :

It is the code governing navigation on the interconnected European inland waterways.

Signs, rules and procedures for navigating the European inland waterways are all included within the CEVNI code, and pleasure craft are expected to know and follow the code.

The online CEVNI test is a multiple choice test of your knowledge of the rules and regulations of the European inland waterways. It is needed by anyone wanting an International certificate of competence (ICC) endorsed for use on inland waters.

The test covers but is not limited to:
Symbols / Shapes

Who can apply for this course :

For those with an ICC or applying for an ICC who intend to navigate on inland waterways in Europe
Minimum age: 16

Note :

Contact us to check if you can apply for an ICC !

Validity :

The duration of your ICC certificate is 5 years from the date of issue.

Duration :

Approximately 20 minutes.

Part 1 = 15 questions on signs & buoyage
Part 2 = 15 questions on lights, shapes & sound signals

There is a time limit of 20 seconds for each question which is sufficient if you have studied adequately.



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Practice online tests
Online Test
Proof of successful completion (self printing)
Support from one of our RYA instructors


Send us an e-mail request for the course.

Once we have received your payment, we will create a login for you and email you the details, as soon as you’ve received these you can start your course.

If you have received your password and login code, please go to the next webpage and start your CEVNI exam : 
